Changing of the Guard does not take place on Sunday

Auf dem Weg zur Burg goenn ich mir gerne einen Starbucks Caramel Macchiato, aber auch ansonsten ist das Staedchen super schoen und bietet viele keine Pubs und Restaurants- bei gutem Wetter auch gerne draussen...

Admission prices
Windsor Castle
Adult £14.20
Over 60/Student (with valid ID) £12.70
Under 17 £8.00
Under 5 Free
Family £36.50 (2 adults and 3 under 17s)
Windsor Castle (Admission prices when the State Apartments are closed)
Adult £7.50
Over 60/Student (with valid ID) £6.50
Under 17 £4.50
Under 5 Free
Family £19.50 (2 adults and 3 under 17s)
By asking us to treat your purchase as a donation, we can claim gift aid tax relief on your payment. In return you can register on your first visit for a year’s Unlimited Admission.
Opening hours
Open daily
March to October
09:45-17:15 (last admission 16:00)
The Castle will close at 16:15 on 31 October, with last admission at 15:00.
November to February
09:45-16:15 (last admission 15:00)
The Castle will close at 15:15 on 10 December, with last admission at 14:00.
The Castle is closed
25-26 December
The Semi-State Rooms
The Semi-State Rooms are open during the winter months. They will re-open to the public on 29 September 2007.
St George's Chapel
St. George's Chapel is open daily but closed to visitors on Sundays as services are held throughout the day. Worshippers are welcome to attend the services. For more information please telephone 01753 865538.
St George's Chapel is closed
24 December
As a working Royal palace, the Castle is used frequently by The Queen for State ceremonies and official entertaining and opening arrangements may change at short notice. Please check opening arrangements before planning a visit (24-hour information line 01753 831118).